Showing 234 Result(s)
Cover of Dinosaur Dances by Jane Yolen

Dinosaur Dances

When they were little, my boys both loved dinosaurs so much, I embroidered dinosaur pillows for them. (I am NOT good at needlework.) When they were teenagers, I wrote this book. Go figure! The poems range from a dinosaur rock-and-roll band to a dinosaur waltz to a dinosaur square dance.

Cover of Things That Go Bump in the Night edited by Jane Yolen

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Original horror stories by a variety of authors, including William Sleator and Melissa Mia Hall. This saw the first publication of my much reprinted “The Baby-Sitter. ” I chose all the stories and edited them. Marty did the business end of things.

Cover of Dove Isabeau by Jane Yolen

Dove Isabeau

This original fairy tale, about a young woman who becomes a dragon has many aspects of an old fairy tale–a wicked stepmother, an enchantment, a handsome prince who breaks the spell. But as it was written in the end of the 20th century, the young woman is as much rescuer as rescued. Both hero and dragon

Cover of The Faery Flag by Jane Yolen

Faery Flag, The

The stories and poems in this collection include eleven years worth of material. Stories vary from the Celtic retelling/restructuring of the title story (which I first learned about when we visited Dunvegan castle on the Isle of Skye) to the original art tale “The Face in the Cloth” written for my daughter

Cover of The Lap Time Song and Play Book by Jane Yolen Musical Arrangements by Adam Stemple

Lap Time Song and Play Book, The

Songs and lap games, many of which I played with my own children when they were babies and toddlers, with musical arrangements by my son Adam who is a professional musician. Now I play “Trot, trot to Boston” and “This is the way the farmer rides” and others with my grandbabies. The Tomes art is delicious.

Cover of Piggins and the Royal Wedding by Jane Yolen

Piggins and the Royal Wedding

The third Piggins book to be published. I wrote the books about Piggins because I love mystery stories and am also a great fan of the Masterpiece Theater series called “Upstairs, Downstairs.” I also wrote them especially for Jane Dyer who showed me her amazing drawings and won me over with her delicious

Cover of Picnic with Piggins by Jane Yolen

Picnic with Piggins

The second Piggins book to be published. I wrote the books about Piggins because I love mystery stories and am also a great fan of the Masterpiece Theater series called “Upstairs, Downstairs.” I also wrote them especially for Jane Dyer who showed me her amazing drawings and won me over with her delicious

Cover of The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen

Devil’s Arithmetic, The

I had thought about doing a book on the Holocaust for a long time, but quite frankly the idea overwhelmed me. Finally one of my editors, who was a rabbi’s wife at the time, persuaded me to confront the task. Writers and storytellers are the memory of a civilization, and we who are alive now really must not forget

Cover of Werewolves Edited by Jane Yolen


Original werewolf stories by a variety of authors. The book includes the first publication of my story “Green Messiah.” I chose all the stories and edited them. Marty did the business end of things.