Showing 56 Result(s)
Cover of The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens

Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy for Teens, The

So Patrick Nielsen Hayden, one of my Tor editors, called me up and said, “Hey, you have a barn, let’s put on a play.” Sort of. What he really said was, “Would you be interested in working with me on a Year’s Best Sf/fantasy collection for teens?” And my answer was, “You mean it hasn’t been done before?” Though I already knew that. And so the adventure began.

Cover of This Little Piggy by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple

This Little Piggy

I had done a picture book years ago for Harcourt–long out of print–called THE LAPTIME SONG AND PLAY BOOK and knew there were many many more lap games then the ones I’d used for that 32 page picture book. (One song or play game per double page makes for a fairly limited selection.) So when Liz Bicknell,

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?

This is the third of the big books about those dinos. It’s about table manners–the good, the bad, and the ugly (“Does he flip his spaghetti high into the air?”) The Scholastic’s marketing staff,

Cover of Pay the Piper by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple

Pay the Piper

This short novel has a long and complicated history. My agent was phoned by an editor at Scholastic wanting to know if I had any interest in a new series they were starting called HORRORS! It was to be novels based on old fairy tales brought up to date, with a frisson of terror

Cover of Meow: Cat Tales From Around the World by Jane Yolen

Meow: Cat Tales From Around the World

Here is a complicated and ironic book history. About ten years ago I sent around a proposal for this book, listing about fifteen cat folk stories I’d like to retell. Every publisher I sent it to (including Harper) turned it down.

Cover of Baby Bear's Chairs by Jane Yolen

Baby Bear’s Chairs

My newest editor hero is Liz Van Doren at Harcourt. She called me about two and a half years ago and said that she wanted to talk to me about doing a series of books that had the same kind of impact as my Scholastic HOW DO DINOSAURS books. In other words,

Cover of Apple for the Teacher by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple

Apple for the Teacher

This is another long story. After having done a bunch of music books with my son Adam in the 80s and 90s, I made a list of other possible interesting collections, and Work Songs was high up on that list. I sent the ideas around to many of my publishers

Cover of Soft House by Jane Yolen

Soft House

Another complicated book history. I wrote this book about thirty years ago (the first time) when my own children were small and playing a game they called “Soft House” by taking cushions off the sofa and building a house with blankets for a roof.

Cover of Once Upon a Time (She Said) by Jane Yolen

Once Upon a Time (She Said)

I was incredibly honored to be asked to be one of the three Guests of Honor at the Glasgow SF World Con. That’s the largest science fiction convention in the world, a moveable feast, held summer 2005 in Scotland. Part of the perks of being a World Con GOH, is that

Cover of Prince Across the Water by Jane Yolen and Robert J Harris

Stuart Quartet: Prince Across the Water

Book 3 of the Stuart Quartet is about Bonnie Prince Charlie and the disastrous battle of Culloden that broke the Scottish clan system and saw the English banning the playing of bagpipes, the speaking of Scots Gaelic, and wearing tartan and kilts.