Hobo Toad and the Motorcycle Gang
Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully
World 1970
ISBN# LC 70-101843 World hardcover
A bouncing adventure with a rhyming trucker, a hitchhiking toad, a motorcycle gang, and a young hero. The book began when there was a toad migration and friends had an uncomfortable time driving along the road squishing toads. They made up a song which I used with their permission. Two of the motorcycle gang are twins known as Bobordick, since no one can tell them apart. My editor raved about my wild imagination, citing the twins’ names. I had to admit that I stole that from real life. My husband has brothers named Bob and Dick who are known collectively as Bobordick. After 37 years of marriage I still can’t tell them apart. Emily McCully went on to win the Caldecott in the ’90s.