Before the Vote, After the Vote

Hard- hitting political poetry for adults. Remember—-I lean left. Far left. So Trump & Co. get no kudos from me. I began writing the poems slightly before the vote, Finished it in January when it was published. Wonderful intro by Bill Newman, head of the Western Mass ACLU, a writer himself. And Civil Rights lawyer.

The Emerald Circus

My first book of short stories with Tachyon, a small San Francisco Press. (Think The Little Engine That Could because everyone there does double and triple duty—with full heart!) These fantasy stories are all about fantasy worlds (Wonderland, Neverland, Oz, Camelot)

Cover of Last Laughs by Jane Yolen and J. Patrick Lewis

Last Laughs: Prehistoric Epitaphs

I can’t seem to get away from dinosaurs! Here J. Patrick Lewis (former Children’s Poet Laureate) and I have done a picture book’s worth of humorous poems about the “interesting” demises of prehistoric creatures, from trilobites to T Rex to dire wolves.

Little Frog and the Spring Polliwogs

The second book about Little Frog (of four, one for each season) with pictures by the new but very professional and suddenly sought-after illustrator, Ellen Shi. (The first frog book was her first published book! And I found her!) In this one Little Frog is a reluctant big sister until danger threatens her baby brothers, and…

On Duck Pond

Second of the series for Cornell Lab of Ornithology,a rhymed picture book with marvelous pictures by Bob Marstall, my friend of 40 years and an Orbis Pictus award-winning illustrator. This one is set at a New England pond where the quiet of the day is broken by a raucous flock of ducks. Great back-matter by the scientists at the Lab.

A Bear Sat on my Porch Today

I live in New England where there are bears, raccoons, bobcats, skunks, rabbits, deer, turkeys, bluejays, coyotes, opossum, chipmunks, squirrels—a regular Wild Animal Sow in our back yard on a regular basis. So when my oldest granddaughter who was house sitting for me one summer, sent me an email that read in part:

Once There was a Story

Retold folk and fairy tales from all over the world, reimagined for the youngest listeners.

This is another book that took about twelve years to come out. My part–the finding and retelling the stories–was done within months of signing the contract. But the wonderful Jane Dyer, the illustrator, had some health

Thunder Underground

This is a book of poems about things under the ground: moles, insects, drain pipes, pirate treasure, subways, magma pools, tree roots, etc. The poems were written over a number of years. The first illustrator (this would have been his first book) said yes, after the editor and I searched for the right

How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends

The umpty dozenth book in the series was one suggested by the editor. My mind had gone on walkabout, so we brainstormed ideas. But once I knew a direction, the rhyme began to flow. And boy was I glad it did! I remembered all those school days when friends got mad and did bad things, said bad things, and then