Cover of Sky Scrape/City Scape by Jane Yolen

Sky Scrape/City Scape

I am a city girl by birth, a country girl by choice. Born in New York City, I can still thrill to some things about the skyscraper life. This anthology of poems–a few by me but most by other writers–covers a lot of city living, from graffiti

Cover of Sacred Places by Jane Yolen

Sacred Places

I was asked to write a book of poems about the sacred places around the world. Frankly, I didn’t think it would work, but I couldn’t help trying. It meant reading about twenty different religions and finding a particular sacred place to represent each

Cover of O Jerusalem by Jane Yolen

O Jerusalem

A young editor at Scholastic, knowing that the 3,000th anniversary of Jerusalem was at hand (how do editors know these things????) asked me to write a book of poems about the City of Peace. I had visited it only once, way back in 1966,

Cover of Here There Be Angels by Jane Yolen

Here There Be Angels

Short stories and poems all written by me, having to do with angels. A few–like “Angelica” had been published before. But a number are brand new to the book, like “Fallen Angel,” a story about an angel whose wings have been burned up when he falls

Cover of Welcome to the Sea of Sand by Jane Yolen

Welcome to the Sea of Sand

This book is about the Sonora desert in occasional rhyme, part of a series of four Welcome To … books. It takes a lot of research to write a poem about a place. I have been to the Sonoran desert section in Arizona several times, as well as deserts in Israel,

Cover of Meet the Monsters by Jane Yolen and Heidi E Y Stemple

Meet the Monsters

I was called by the editor at Walker who wanted a picture book on monsters. “Only if I can write it with my daughter,” I said. She was delighted and so Heidi got to work on her first book. We divided up the monsters (I got Nessie and the golem as I recall)

Cover of Milk and Honey by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple

Milk and Honey

A compendium of songs, stories, poems and information about the Jewish holidays. The poems are all original, and the stories are all retellings, geared to individual holidays. Adam arranged the music for the traditional songs. Great reviews–and great for holiday giving!

Cover of Xanadu 3 Edited by Jane Yolen

Xanadu 3

The third of a series of the best original adult fantasy short stories and poems, including one of my own poems in each volume. Martin H. Greenberg and I sold the book together, but only my name appears on the cover because I edited the book.