Wednesday Q & J: February 1, 2023

Q: From From Cindy Dobrez: Does Jane eat Wheaties or where does she get her indefatigable energy? She accomplishes more in a day than most of us in a month/year. J: I haven’t eaten Wheaties for years and years. But I always eat breakfast. My usual is cottage cheese (Lactaid) with some kinds of fruit–usually–berries and …

Wednesday Q & J, January 25, 2023

Q: What is B.I.C.? J: Haha–a joke and yet not a joke. It stands for (another joke) Butt In Chair. It means that if you want to be a writer, you have to have a lot of butt in chair time, hands on the keys time, close and quiet, long hours doing the work. A book …

New Feature: Q and A with Jane

Hello Readers! Heidi here! Every Wednesday, I’ll be asking JY a question (two if they are short). The questions might involve advice for writers, fun facts for students, or just reminiscing about a career that has spanned more than 60 years in the publishing world. Every time we teach together, I hear people whisper about …

Showing Up

I have talked about “showing up” before. But here are some further–though rather scrambled–thoughts about it. Being a writer–or any kind of artist–is essential a selfish activity. Note I don’t, as far too many people do, call it a “lonely” job. Maybe an alone job, but lonely? Not when I am surrounded by my invisible …