Looking Back, Looking Forward

I had one grandchild with Covid (she’s doing fine, now, thanks). One in full bubble because her best friend had Covid. One son because someone at work had Covid. All fine. But the fear never leaves. And I will be 82 in February, Peter will be 84 in June.

So what do I do? I write.

How to Prime the Pump

  I tell my writing students that the magic word is BIC: Butt in Chair, or for those who faint at the thought of using the B word, try: bottom, backside, behind, or  buhunkus. Then get off your fainting couch and get to work. Of course, just staring at the piece of paper or the …

Cover of What to Do with a String by Jane Yolen

What to Do with a String

The publisher says: “Jane Yolen is an award-winning author, poet, and teacher. She has written more than 365 books, including What to Do with a Box, illustrated by Chris Sheban, and the Caldecott Medal—winning Owl Moon, illustrated by John Schoenherr. The Educational Book & Media Association honored her

Cover of Merbaby's Baby by Jane Yolen

Merbaby’s Lullaby

This board book began years ago as a poem in a collection called DRAGON NIGHT & OTHER LULLABIES. From there it became a song with music by Lui Collins, a wonderful folk singing friend of mine with who I’d written many songs both for children and adults.

Cover of School of Fish by Jane Yolen

School of Fish — Series

This 6 book series, coming out two books a year for three years, began as a single book as part of a collection of board book manuscripts I had written under the collective title WATER BABIES. That collection of board books has yet to find a publishing home, but Jeff Salane, one of my editors

Cover of Kite for Moon by Jane Yolen and Heidi E Y Stemple

A Kite for Moon

A lyrical book about a little boy, his obsession with the moon, and how he becomes an astronaut who gets to walk on the moon. And though the book is dedicated to Neil Armstrong, it’s not about him. It’s about desire, dedication, and hard work. In fact, the very things that created the book itself.