Twelve original stories by such sf authors as Connie Willis and Susan Shwartz and Joe Haldeman. This saw the first publication of my own much reprinted sf short story, “The Ear.”

Author of over 400 Books for Children and Adults
Twelve original stories by such sf authors as Connie Willis and Susan Shwartz and Joe Haldeman. This saw the first publication of my own much reprinted sf short story, “The Ear.”
I live in New England where there are bears, raccoons, bobcats, skunks, rabbits, deer, turkeys, bluejays, coyotes, opossum, chipmunks, squirrels—a regular Wild Animal Sow in our back yard on a regular basis. So when my oldest granddaughter who was house sitting for me one summer, sent me an email that read in part:
A lyrical book about a little boy, his obsession with the moon, and how he becomes an astronaut who gets to walk on the moon. And though the book is dedicated to Neil Armstrong, it’s not about him. It’s about desire, dedication, and hard work. In fact, the very things that created the book itself.
When going through Jason’s backlog of photographs—never an onerous task but rather a real joy—I realized how many pictures of animals and birds reflected in water that he had. Almost enough for a book. So I wrote some poems for the best of the pictures and started trying to sell it. Boyds
This began as a short story in 1994 called “An Infestation of Unicorns” in my collection HERE THERE BE UNICORNS. Not my first foray into unicorns (that would be poems and a novel called THE TRANSFIGURED HART). Then I met the Zonderkidz editor at the Texas Library Association meeting and we hit it off.
Since I have always loved the Aesopian fables, putting together this collection of rhymed versions of my favorites was a total joy. Scholastic paired me with the irrepressible Karen Barbour who worked on the book after having a baby.
An Arthurian spoof, with animals instead of people: King Earthor (an owl), Sir Belliful (a groundhog), Sir Tarryhere (a tortoise), Sir Gimmemore (a rabbit) Sir Runsalot (a mouse) and the Wizard Squirrelin. The knights and wizard go off to save the kingdom, sneak past a dragon, and finally manage
A very silly chapter book about an adventurous mouse who rescues his own true love.
This rhymed ABC book was inspired by an old folksong that begins “One morning, one morning, one morning in May, I saw a young couple a-making their way.” The song is actually one of those love-gone-awry ballads. Originally published by Philomel Books, this was a companion to
The idea for this book began with illustrator Jim Burke. We had done several books together and he was a big fan of Wagner’s. I had been a huge Brooklyn Dodgers fan in my youth, and later on a Boston Red Sox fan when we moved to Massachusetts. But around the