Showing 246 Result(s)
Cover of PLymouth Rocks! by Jane Yolen

Plymouth Rocks

So the phone rings. My Charlesbridge editor said, “I have a book idea for you.” (This happens, but rarely.)

I said…”Okay.”
“In two years it’s going to be the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock. Big celebrations and. . . ”
“It didn’t happen, you know,” I said, figuring she knew. She was a Harvard graduate after all.
“What didn’t happen?”

Interrupting Cow and the Chicken Crossing the Road

As I began writing the second Interrupting Cow book (likely to be six of them) about a chicken–a Rhode Island Red– and why it crosses the road (each one uses an old joke at its center…the next two are about an old dog learning new tricks and a horse of a different color) I realized that all of Cow’s new friends, her accidental herd if you will, are different colors and different kinds of animals. A virtual variety.

Cover of Interrupting Cow by Jane Yolen

Interrupting Cow

A new line of easy readers (the next up from my Fish School rhymed books,  all for Simon & Schuster) are the INTERRUPTING COW books, This is the first, (2 and 3 are already written!) full of gag lines, puns. and each based on the interrupting cow plus…

Cover of I am the Storm by Jane Yolen and Heidi Stemple

I am the Storm

Daughter Heidi Stemple and I were telephoned by the editor of a new  early-reading  imprint  “Rises” for Penguin Random house. We knew her though had never actually done a book for her. Se told us about an idea and we ran with it, and it became this book…

Cover of On Eagle Cove by Jane Yolen, Illustrated by Elizabeth Dulembs

On Eagle Cove

Once again, a rhymed book in the series about individual bird adventures around the USA.. A child and her mother spot a pair of eagles mating. They trek back several months later to see the eagle chicks in a huge nest. This is Elizabeth’s second book with me for Cornell University’s Lab of Ornithology, the first being CROW NOT CROW,

Cover of Emily Writes by Jane Yolen

Emily Writes

It is no secret that I am a huge Emily Dickinson fan. I already published THE EMILY SONNETS  (Creative Editions), MY UNCLE EMILY (Philome Booksl) and loads of poetry about her and a short story which won the Nebula for short stories,  “Sister Emily’s Lightship”. (Tor). However, This is the first time my plot revolved around Emily as a child.

Cover of What to Do with a String by Jane Yolen

What to Do with a String

The publisher says: “Jane Yolen is an award-winning author, poet, and teacher. She has written more than 365 books, including What to Do with a Box, illustrated by Chris Sheban, and the Caldecott Medal—winning Owl Moon, illustrated by John Schoenherr. The Educational Book & Media Association honored her

Cover of Merbaby's Baby by Jane Yolen

Merbaby’s Lullaby

This board book began years ago as a poem in a collection called DRAGON NIGHT & OTHER LULLABIES. From there it became a song with music by Lui Collins, a wonderful folk singing friend of mine with who I’d written many songs both for children and adults.

Cover of School of Fish by Jane Yolen

School of Fish — Series

This 6 book series, coming out two books a year for three years, began as a single book as part of a collection of board book manuscripts I had written under the collective title WATER BABIES. That collection of board books has yet to find a publishing home, but Jeff Salane, one of my editors