How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas

Illustrated by Mark Teague
The Blue Sky Press, 2012
ISBN-10: 0545416787
ISBN-13: 978-0545416788
..and read the companion book, HOW DO DINOSAURS SAY HAPPY CHANUKAH?
How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah and How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas were featured in USA Today on Thursday, November 29 in a holiday round-up:
“[A] mischievous series…The series’ star attractions are Teague’s colorful and playful dinosaurs, not to be found in any museum.”
What reviewers have said:
- “I think there is something really funny about dinosaurs and Christmas and Chanukah. Instead of sneaking down the stairs to look at presents, ripping off wrapping paper, and ravaging plates of cookies, these extinct monsters go caroling, help trim the tree and go to bed when they’re told. Instead of blowing out the menorah candles, grabbing all the gelt or hoard the dreidels, dinosaurs sing prayers, eat latkes and help clear the table, gives his grandparents holiday wishes. Who knew? If you want to teach your little monsters how to behave over the holidays, this book might be for you.”—Huffington Post
- “Yolen and Teague’s mischievous dinos (How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? among many others) tackle holiday traditions and observances. Both books first depict the dinosaurs (with their human parents) modeling bad behavior. Chanukah shows the creatures peeking at presents, blowing out candles, and hoarding dreidels. Christmas finds the dinos un-decorating the tree, licking candy canes, and feasting on Santa’s cookies. By mid-book, in each case, the dinosaurs have settled down to demonstrate proper decorum. Bouncy rhymes and humorous illustrations— the images of vivacious large-scale dinosaurs alongside the staid, rather Rockwellian humans are consistently funny—combine to make welcome entries in Yolen and Teague’s Dinosaurs series and in holiday book collections.”–Horn Book
- “Yolen and Teague extend their dinosaur franchise with this rollicking romp of rampaging dinosaurs up to their terrible tricks throughout the Christmas season. Using the familiar structure of naughty-then-nice behavior, the dinosaur crew rips open presents, knocks over decorated trees and dumps out filled stockings. When they get hungry, they eat all the Christmas cookies and lick all the candy canes. But in the calmer, concluding half, the well-behaved dinosaurs sing carols politely, help with the dishes and interact nicely with the grandparents. . . Young readers will delight in the initial wild antics, with the falling Christmas trees, flying ornaments and the brilliantly colored dinosaurs cavorting around the decorated living rooms in wild abandonment. . . What child wouldn’t love to grab all the presents and lick all the candy canes one by one? Those naughty dinosaurs have the most fun, and their fans will be waiting to see what they get up to next.”–Kirkus
- “Those mischievous dinosaurs from the best-selling “How Do Dinosaurs?” series are back with two comical holiday-themed books: “How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah?” and “How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas.” Author Jane Yolen and illustrator Mark Teague have a blast playing up the humor inherent in the contrast between huge dinosaurs and their toddler-like behavior as they explore aspects of each holiday.—Scripps-Howard News Service
- “Yolen and Teague add to their delightful dinosaur canon with this funny reminder of proper behaviour- fpr this most eagerly anticpated of holidays. . .Don’t pass up this exhuberant guide to achieving yuletide harmony.”–SchooLibrary Journal
- Yolen’s characteristically wry verse is flawless in its rhymes and rhythms. . .”–Publishers Weekly