The Last Changeling

The Seelie Wars: Book Two
With Adam Stemple
Viking Juvenile, 2014
ISBN-10: 0670014354
ISBN-13: 978-0670014354
The Seelie Wars Trilogy:
The Last Changeling is the middle book of a trilogy. Always the toughest part. You have to move the plot along, add some new characters, but not solve any of the major mysteries/explain away all the hanging threads. Indeed, Adam (my son and co-writer) and I didn’t really yet know how the biggest hanger was going to be solved. (Hint, we figured it out before we ended book 3! Whew!)
I wrote the girl Snail’s chapters, Adam wrote Prince Aspen’s chapters, then we each revised the other’s work. Sometimes a lo,t most times very little. I especially love the chapter with the troll giving birth and the punning wit of the dwarf triplets. Adam may have different favorite parts.
Cliffhangers R Us.
Around the web:
- The series has its own site at theseeliewars.com
What reviewers have said:
- “Mother-son team Yolen and Stemple return to the “refreshingly atypical” characters they introduced in The Hostage Prince: Prince Aspen, a Seelie raised at the Unseelie Court, and Snail, a midwife’s apprentice. Fans will be eager to see the fallout of the war the pair inadvertently caused in this action-packed jaunt, ideal for fantasy newcomers.” — School Library Journal