We are known by the company we keep. Here are links to some of my friends who have web sites. I hope I am worthy of them.
My (grown) Kids:
- Heidi E.Y. Stemple: http://www.heidieystemple.com
- Adam Stemple: https://www.adamstemple.com
- Jason Stemple: https://www.jasonstemple.com
My Professional Affiliations:
- Agency: Curtis Brown, Ltd. https://www.curtisbrown.com
- Agent, Elizabeth Harding: https://www.curtisbrown.com/agents/elizabeth-harding-vice-president/

- The Carle Museum: https://www.carlemuseum.org
- Carle Museum Bookshop: https://shop.carlemuseum.org
- Western Massachusetts Illustrator Guild (WMIG):http://www.wmig.org
- Society of Children’s Book Illustrators (SCBWI):https://www.scbwi.org
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA):https://www.sfwa.org
- Beta Reader, Debbie Harris: http://authors-aid.com/index.html
My Writer’s Group:

My wonderful writing group—which I began nearly fifty years ago has changed over the years. People move, stop writing, and some—alas—die. We lost two of my favorites within two months of one another to two terrible disease. Dear Patricia MacLachlan who had been a member almost from the beginning, and Ellen Wittlinger who had been one of our stalwarts for a number of wonderful years. At 84, I am currently the oldest member. The others (not in any specific order) are Barbara Diamond Goldin, Corrine Demas, Ann Turner, Ruth Sanderson, and Lisa Papademetriou and me.
My Friends (A random sampling)
- Matt Phelan: http://www.mattphelan.com
- Bob Marastall: https://www.marstallstudio.com
- Elizabeth Delumba: http://www.dulemba.com
- Lisa Yee: http://www.lisayee.com
- Tony DiTerlizzi: https://diterlizzi.com
- Angela DiTerlizzi: http://www.angeladiterlizzi.com
- Mike Curato: https://www.mikecurato.com
- Gary Lippincott: https://www.garylippincott.com
- Debbie Ohi: http://debbieohi.com
- Crescent Dragonwagon: http://dragonwagon.com
- Ruth Sanderson: http://goldenwoodstudio.com
- Diane deGroat: http://dianedegroat.com
- Bob Harris: https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/robert-j-harris/
- Milbre Birch: http://www.kindcrone.com

- Nikki Grimes: https://www.nikkigrimes.com
- Bruce Coville: https://brucecoville.com
- Jill Calder: https://www.jillcalder.com
- Lin Oliver: http://www.linoliver.com
- Steve Mooser: https://stephenmooser.wordpress.com
- Jarrett Krosoczka: http://www.studiojjk.com
- Mo Willems: http://pigeonpresents.com
- Mira Bartok: http://www.mirabartok.com
- Jane Dyer: http://www.janedyerchildrensbooks.com
- Grace Lin: https://www.gracelin.com