Cover of The Transfigured Hart by Jane Yolen

Transfigured Hart, The

A boy, a girl, and an albino deer who one special night becomes a unicorn. Some twenty years after it was a hardcover, the book came out in paperback. It was a Golden Kite honor book.


  • 1974 Golden Kite Honor Book, given by the Society of Children’s Book Writers

What reviewers have said:

  • The Site Featured Review: The Transfigured Hart.
  • “The story is a grounded and entertaining depiction of a well-worn fantasy trope, but is handled with care and finesse by Yolen. It is fascinating to see how she integrates teenagers into the magic of the Hart’s domain, and how the real magic that occurs is between two very different people solidifying an enduring friendship. And isn’t that the joy of fantasy? Of seeing traits you wish you had and traits you wish you didn’t reflected in people who witness magical scenes? Jane Yolen will always be a lyrical superstar and a moment spent reading her stories is never a moment wasted.” — Cinders Magazine