Waking Dragons

with Derek Anderson
Simon & Schuster, 2012
ISBN-10: 1416990321
ISBN-13: 978-1416990321
After doing the monster books, and the How Do Dinosaur books, I decided to try the same kind of simply rhymes with humor on dragons. This one is the first of what I hope will be a series. I adore Anderson’s cheery pictures.
- Book of the Month at Scholastic Reading Club! October 2013
- A Children’s-Book-of-the-Month choice.
- A finalist in the 25th Minnesota Book Awards
What reviewers have said:
- “What a treat when Yolen employs her fantasy-writing talents for the younger set. Anderson’s familiar golden-washed cartoon paintings embellish the humor. Details like a fire extinguisher labeled ‘In case of dragon breath,’ as well as the dragons’ flying goggles, mean this story’s popularity will spread like fire.”–School Library Journal
- “Dragons are just not morning people. They “bumble” and “tumble” out of bed, and the doughty little knight who is their master risks life and limb just getting them to “Put their jammies in the hamper.” But with a little patience and a delicious breakfast of waffles (served via catapult), the dragons are ready to serve as a form of airborne transportation to school that’s much more awesome than any old yellow bus. . . .Anderson’s marvelous acrylic paintings. With cinematic framing, sculptural shapes, a strong sense of physical comedy, and a fittingly medieval palette of saturated jewel tones, Anderson (the Little Quack series) portrays his horned dragons as hulking slugabeds who morph into surprisingly nimble winged beasts.”–Publisher’s Weekly
- “What a treat when Yolen employs her fantasy-writing talents for the younger set. In fewer than a dozen sentences, readers discover dragons’ morning rituals, from fang brushing to “breakfast waffles,/topped with syrup,/which makes dragons/really cheer up.” Luckily for the small knight who assists with their ablutions, part of the schedule includes delivering him to school. Anderson’s familiar golden-washed cartoon paintings embellish the humor. Details like a fire extinguisher labeled “In case of dragon breath,” as well as the dragons’ flying goggles, mean this story’s popularity will spread like fire.”–School Library Journal
- “In Jane Yolen’s rhyming romp, “Waking Dragons” it is a little knight’s chore to roust two of the fire-breathing creatures from their beds and get them ready for the day. “Dragons blink, dragons bumble, / dragons leap, dragons tumble / out of bed to brush their teeth / the fangs above, the fangs beneath.” This is a cozy dragondom depicted in vivid colors by Derek Anderson.”–Wall Street Journal
- “Normally you don’t want to wake the dragon.But even sleepy dragons need a little bit of prodding to open their eyes in the morning. An eager young knight and his faithful squire-puppy run around the bed, desperately tugging on blankets, dodging fiery yawns and heaving these great beasts off the mattress. Yolen is an expert on dinosaurs’ daily activities (How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, illustrated by Mark Teague, 2000, etc.) and can put monsters to bed (Creepy Monsters, Sleepy Monsters, illustrated by Kelly Murphy, 2011), but what about dragons?. . . The drippy, syrupy waffles catapulted into the dragons’ mouths are too darn adorable to resist. Anderson’s bright acrylic illustrations round out the spare text . . .Morning-routine stories abound, but for the very young this one bounces with exuberance.”–Kirkus
- “For a young boy knight, it’s time for school, but as Mom’s note reminds him: “Don’t forget to wake the dragons”. . . . Anderson’s charming, richly hued illustrations animatedly depict the armor-clad little knight and the cute, expressive dragons’ antics. The rhymes are simple. . . and droll touches abound in the text, which highlights and celebrates responsibilities, from morning prep to providing transport. Like Yolen’s How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? (2000), this delightful offering interweaves fun fantasy and familiar getting-ready routines in an entertaining, enjoyable read that’s great for budding knights, dragon buffs, and caregivers alike.”-BookList
- “This beautifully illustrated story told in simple rhyming text tells the morning routine of a young knight and his two dragons as the knight prepares for school and the dragons prepare for a day of flying. This is one story young readers will want to hear again and again!” –Children’s Bookshelf
- “Study the clever, brightly colored illustrations so you don’t miss anything. Yolen is often called the Hans Christian Anderson of America. Her Waking Dragons is an engaging book that’s fun to read.”–BookLoons
- “Another hit with my son, who says: “It also doesn’t have any big sentences, so it’s good for the younger kids. The drawings are really good.””–WackyMom.org