What to Do with a String
Illustrated by C. F. Payne
Creative Editions (July 16, 2019)
ISBN-10: 1568463227
ISBN-13: 978-1568463223
The publisher says: “Jane Yolen is an award-winning author, poet, and teacher. She has written more than 365 books, including What to Do with a Box, illustrated by Chris Sheban, and the Caldecott Medal—winning Owl Moon, illustrated by John Schoenherr. The Educational Book & Media Association honored her significant contributions with its 2018 Jeremiah Ludington Award.
C. F. Payne is a renowned artist and illustrator whose picture books include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Lineup for Yesterday, both published by Creative Editions”
I say: Following up my 2016 surprise big seller, the rhymed concept picture book, WHAT TO DO WITH A BOX, Creative Editions is bringing out the companion book, WHAT TO DO WITH A STRING. Same idea, same author (me), also in rhyme, but a new illustrator. Between the time Chris Sheban did that astonishingly original artwork for BOX, he became very sought after and Creative couldn’t get him for the sequel.
Well, Payne has done a very different take on this sequel, equally full of pizazz and surprises. One character (not several and a dog as in BOX). I love it to pieces.
The What to Do books:
What reviewers have said:
- “A delightful read-aloud addition to most collections”—School Library Journal